Red Blanket
A couple of years ago, Ellen got me the neatest gift for Christmas. It is a small electric blanket--about 6x6. It is just perfect for a chilly house like mine. I like to keep it in our TV room. Thunder, over time, has become very attached to it. One of his favorite activities has turned into watching TV. Actually, I don’t watch much TV at all--it has been months. I sign out TV series from the library, instead.
Thunder has become obsessed with Red Blanket. I usually don’t have it on, but he still keeps bringing me to it. I walk up to him, and he trots away, with his tail up in the air--his signal to follow him. He brings me to Red Blanket so I will sit and pet him, or give him pieces of dry cat food, one at a time.
He rolls, stretches and purrs. He begs for pets.
This happens many times a day.
He likes it so much that he is more tolerant of me grooming or brushing his teeth on Red Blanket than anywhere else.
I have taken to sitting on red blanket--instead of my favorite chair to read in the quiet part of the afternoon. I turn it on low, and he gets so content. Anything that makes Thunder happy, makes me happy, too.