Monday, January 8, 2018

Thunder and Static Electricity

Poor Thunder is really suffering from static electricity.  We have always had this problem in the winter, but the latest cold spell has made it worse than ever.  When I pet him, his fur just crackles.  He looks a mess.  I won't embarrass him and show any pictures of him with a static attack.  Poor guy.

The worst part is when he touches me with his nose, or I kiss him on his head and touch his ear by accident.  We get shocked and both jump back.  Most cats don't seem to care if they get shocks, but Thunder does.  He is very sensitive.

Short of getting a humidifier, I do whatever I can to keep moisture in the air.  My plants are watered so much, I can't believe I haven't killed them.  (That wouldn't be such a bad thing.  After 30-40 years of looking at the same plants, I wouldn't miss them.)  I was dishes (by hand) nearly every day, and I let my showers really steam up the place.  It will get better.  In the meantime, I have to kiss Thunder with care.


  1. Love this, Judi. Same troubles for our two cats right now.

  2. Love this, Judi. Same troubles for our two cats right now.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
