Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Thunder’s Schedule

Thunder’s Schedule

When I retired, I was looking forward to spending all my time at home with Thunder.  I learned that I can, as long as I follow his schedule.

In the morning, he likes his breakfast--which I have to give him numerous times.  After breakfast, he will let me spend some time with him.  Sometimes he wants to play a game, but often, he just sits on his pedestal and wants me to pet him and adore him.

About a half hour after I wake up, he has a big drink and then is ready for his morning nap.  I think he got accustomed to this routine because I would go to work or the barn and leave him alone.  During his morning nap, I can get chores done (no vacuuming,) pay bills and any other quiet things.  When the weather's nice, it is a perfect time to work in the yard.

He starts to wake up around 11:00 AM.  That is usually when I want to take a break, but he won’t let me.  He will continually call me to him.  He wants to play, eat lunch and generally socialize with me.  I must pet and adore him--a lot.  I get hungry and want to eat lunch, myself, but he will interrupt me many times.  When he meows, I just can’t resist him.  He has the prettiest voice.

After I finish my lunch, Maggie and I like to go for our walk.  We can’t go until he settles down for his early afternoon nap.  Whenever I try to tell him we are leaving, he starts to do something adorable, and I can’t break away from him.  Maggie gets more and more impatient, but Thunder rules our house.

Then, very suddenly, he will curl up and take a nap.  We head out on our walk.  Sometimes, when we get back, he is still napping and I busy myself with other things.   Mid afternoon, he decides it is playtime.  Thunder prefers interactive play, the best.  He adds in a lot of running and goofing around in the way cats do.  Sometimes he likes to explore, and sometimes he just wants me to follow him around and pet him.  

At this time, I might try to watch a DVD, and we play during the show.  After about 45 minutes, he either takes a nap with me or leaves.  It will be time for his mid afternoon nap.

He usually has another very brisk play time around 4:00 or 5:00, too.  If I spent the evening with him, he will play more around 9:00 and then at any time, he will be happy to go to bed.  If I go out in the evening, he will save his playtime for when I come; home.  Typically, I am sleepy and want to go to bed, but that won’t happen until he has had enough time to run around and eat his late night snack.  He has another big drink, and then I know he is ready for cuddle time.

He sleeps with me until the wee hours of the morning--then he leaves, and I don’t know what he does--but he is always waiting for his breakfast.  Then the whole routine starts, again.

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